Google Pay ™

Google Pay is a digital wallet service by Google. Google Pay enables customers worldwide to securely store card details and perform single-click payments on a website using any credit or debit card connected to their Google account and accepted at your organisation.

Mollie supports only authenticated device tokens transactions which means only mobile compatibility for Android OS 9.0 and above. It is highly recommended to use Google Chrome as mobile browser. Devices rooted or with a modified OS are not compatible with Google Pay by Mollie for now. Finally, you must Google Play Services enabled.

Google Pay by Mollie supports liability shifts for Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the EU or the UK. Google Pay by Mollie also accepts AMEX.


Google Pay is currently available only on the Mollie Hosted Checkout.

Key information

Available country codesGoogle Pay country codes
Supported customer locationsGoogle Pay customer locations
Supported currenciesGlobal
API method namecreditcard *
Supported APIPayments API, Orders API
Minimum transaction amountcf. Cards documentation
Maximum transaction amountcf. Cards documentation
Session timeout30 minutes
Refundscf. Cards documentation
Refund validitycf. Cards documentation
Recurring paymentsYes
Chargeback riskYes
Chargeback period365 days
Authentication flows3DS pre-authenticated only
Resource packAvailable here

* Google Pay will automatically be displayed on Mollie Checkout if the device and browser are compatible.

Setting up Google Pay

Activating Google Pay on the Mollie Hosted Checkout is a very simple process:

  1. Log into your Mollie Dashboard on your desktop
  2. Navigate to your organization settings
  3. Select the profile you want to activate Google Pay on
  4. Press + and accept the terms and conditions

Google Pay will then automatically show as an option in the payment method selection options of the Mollie Hosted Checkout as well as on the Cards page of the Mollie Hosted Checkout.

If you have not yet set up the Mollie Hosted Checkout, please refer to the getting started guide for accepting payments.