Mollie allows you to quickly and easily accept payments through credit and debit cardsβ€š the most widely used online payment method in the world. It only takes 10 minutes to start receiving payments through credit and debit cards and there are no hidden fees involved. You only pay for successful transactions.

How it works

Key information

Available country codesGlobal
Supported merchant locationsGlobal
Supported currenciesGlobal
API method namecreditcard
Supported APIPayments API , Orders API
Minimum transaction amountEUR 0.00 (first payment)
EUR 0.01 (regular payment)
Maximum transaction amountEUR 10,000 (default limit)
Session timeout30 minutes
RefundFull refund
Partial refund
Multiple partial refunds
Refund validity365 days
Settlement delay4 business days
Chargeback riskYes
Chargeback period120 days in general

There are some scenarios where cardholders have to file a claim within a shorter or longer time period.
ChargeInstant charge
Full capture
Partial capture
Resource packAvailable here