Handling payment status

Every possible payment status

Depending on what happens payments go through a number of statuses. On this page we will first simply list and explain them. Then we will show you how the statuses are connected.


The payment has been created, but nothing else has happened yet. This is not a status Mollie will call your webhook for.


Your customer has canceled the payment. This is a definitive status. Mollie will call your webhook when this status is reached.


This is a temporary status that can occur when the actual payment process has been started, but it’s not complete yet. Nothing really needs to happen on your end when this status occurs. Mollie will not call your webhook when this status occurs.


If the payment method supports captures, the payment method will have this status for as long as new captures can be created.

Currently this status is only possible for the payment methods Klarna Pay now, Klarna Pay later and Klarna Slice it.


The payment has expired, e.g. your customer has abandoned the payment.

For some payment methods like banktransfer it can take a few days for this status to occur. This status is definitive and we will call your webhook when it occurs. How much time it takes for a payment to expire depends on the payment method. We explain this in more detail below.


The payment has failed and cannot be completed with a different payment method. We will call your webhook when a payment transitions to the failed status.

When you use Mollie Checkout and you offer multiple payment methods you will be redirected to the method selection screen after a payment failure. So, the consumer can choose another method to finish the payment.


This status occurs whenever a payment is successfully paid. When this status occurs we will call your webhook.

How does one status lead to another?

The below diagram shows exactly when to expect which status.


The payment status for SEPA Direct Debit payments could also change from pending to failed.

When does a payment expire?

When your customer doesn’t make an actual payment, the payment will, at some point, expire. After a specific expiry time, an open payment will become expired. This could happen when a customer decides not to make a payment after all and abandons it. The expiry time is different for each payment method.

Expiry times per payment method

Payment methodsExpiry time
15 minutes
Credit card
30 minutes
45 minutes
Belfius Pay Button
1 hour
SOFORT Banking
2 hours
Klarna Pay now
Klarna Pay later
Klarna Slice it
48 hours
PayPal72 hours
Bank transfer*12(+2) days


It is not a good idea to predict payment expiry. Best wait until your webhook is called and fetch the status as usual. This is the most reliable way to keep your system in sync with Mollie, also in the case of expiring payments.

(*) Payments made by bank transfer are done manually by your customer. Some days can pass before it becomes clear the payment has been paid. That’s why the payment method banktransfer will by default, not expire until 12 days have passed. One or two days can be added when the 12th day is a Saturday or Sunday.