Salesforce: Manage orders
Send payment requests
Proactively invoice your customers for pre-orders, subscription renewals, and when addressing failed or overdue payments.
What you need to do in advance
- Ensure that the relevant Salesforce Commerce Cloud customer service roles have been assigned the Request payment link order permission.
Send a payment link
Payment links redirect customers to your Mollie Checkout page, where they select a payment method and pay.
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Request payment link from the More drop-down menu.
- Select Send to send the payment request.
If a payment request has been sent for an order, you can find the link in Salesforce Business Manager under Merchant Tools > Ordering > Orders > [order number] > Payment > Mollie payment link.
You can only send payment requests for orders that have the status "Open", " New", "Canceled", or "Failed".
Ship orders
Mark physical, digital and service orders as shipped to capture payment. You can use Salesforce Commerce Cloud's own shipping manager to mark orders as shipped. Once orders have been marked as shipped, Mollie automatically captures the authorized amount.
- You can only mark an order as shipped if the customer pays for it with a payment method that uses the Orders API.
- To find the API method that was used for an order, log into Salesforce Business Manager and go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Orders > [order number] > Attributes.
- Klarna payment methods require you to mark orders as shipped before capturing payment.
What you need to do in advance
- Ensure that the relevant Salesforce Commerce Cloud customer service roles have been assigned the Ship order order permission.
- You can only ship orders that are Open, New, or Completed.
Manually mark orders as shipped
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Send shipment from the More drop-down menu.
- Select Send to send the whole order or individual order items.
Give refunds
Mollie for Salesforce supports Salesforce Commerce Cloud's own refund manager, which you can use to give customers a full or partial refund for their orders.
Your ability to refund partial amounts depends on the API method used when the customer paid:
- Payments API: full or partial amount
- Orders API: full amount only
What you need to do in advance
- Ensure that the relevant Salesforce Commerce Cloud customer service roles have been assigned the Refund payment order permission.
- You can only refund orders that are Open, New or Completed.
Refund a specific amount
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Refund payment from the More drop-down menu.
- Enter the amount and select Refund.
Refund items
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Refund payment from the More drop-down menu.
- Enter the number of items to be refunded and select Refund.
View Mollie order/refund status
You can find additional information in the Mollie log file.
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Orders.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select the Attributes tab.
The status is displayed in the order/Refund status field.
Cancel payments
In Salesforce Commerce Cloud, you can cancel the payment for a whole order or for individual items.
Ensure that the relevant Salesforce Commerce Cloud customer service roles have been assigned the Cancel payment order permission.
You can only cancel orders that are Created, Open, New or Completed.
Cancel payments for whole orders
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Cancel payment from the More drop-down menu.
- Select Cancel.
Cancel payments for individual order items
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select Cancel payment from the More drop-down menu.
- Select Cancel next to the relevant order items.
Find the Mollie order ID
Mollie assigns each order a unique ID. Use this to look up orders in your Mollie account.
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Orders.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select the Attributes tab.
The ID is displayed in the Mollie order ID field.
Find additional Mollie payment details
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Orders.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select the Payment tab.
Information on the payment is displayed in the Mollie payment details field.
View the authorization status
Your customers can authorize Credit/Debit cards and Klarna payment methods for later payment.
- Log in to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager.
- Open Select a site, and select a site from the list.
- Go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
- Find the order and open it.
- Select the Attributes tab.
The Order is authorized checkbox shows if the payment is authorized.
Understand statuses
Mollie statuses and Salesforce Commerce Cloud statuses
After a customer has purchased a product, Mollie keeps track of changes in the payment status and sends them to Salesforce Commerce Cloud. At the same time, the Mollie for Salesforce plugin monitors Salesforce Commerce Cloud for changes in the order status and sends them to Mollie. In both cases, the plugin acts as an intermediary, passing on changes in both directions.
Because Mollie has its own standard set of payment and order statuses, whose names may not exactly match Salesforce Commerce Cloud's, the Mollie for Salesforce plugin has to translate Salesforce Commerce Cloud status names into the equivalent Mollie status names, and vice versa. That is why the payment or order status that you see in your Mollie Web app may differ from the status you see in Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
Mollie status flow
Two Mollie status flows are possible, depending on the API method used for a payment. When configuring a payment method you can choose between the Payments API, which handles payment statuses, or the Orders API, which handles order statuses.
Figure 1. Payment status flow

Figure 2. Order status flow

Mollie also has statuses for payment processing steps after a payment is completed, for example, the
Mollie-Salesforce Commerce Cloud status mapping
These statuses are pre-configured and you cannot change them.
Salesforce Commerce Cloud order status | Salesforce Commerce Cloud payment status | Salesforce Commerce Cloud shipping status | Mollie order status | Mollie payment status |
Open | n/a | n/a | n/a | Open |
Created | n/a | n/a | Created | n/a |
n/a | Not paid | n/a | Pending | Pending |
n/a | Part paid | n/a | Authorised | Authorised |
n/a | Paid | n/a | Paid | Paid |
n/a | Paid | Part shipped | Shipping | n/a |
Completed | Paid | Shipped | Completed | n/a |
Cancelled | Not paid | n/a | Expired | Expired |
Cancelled | Not paid | n/a | Cancelled | Cancelled |
Failed | Not paid | n/a | n/a | Failed |
If a payment is successful but an order fails for some other reason, the order's status is set to Complete.
Updated 10 days ago