Shopware 6 Plugin: Set up your checkout

Add payment methods

Enhance your customers' payment experience by offering them a variety of payment methods.

What you need to do in advance

  • Ensure that the payment methods that you want to offer are activated in the Dashboard.
  • Ensure that you've set up your sales channels↗ in Shopware 6.



Some payment methods require Mollie's approval before they're available in your Mollie Dashboard. If your account has been approved but payment methods are still missing from your dashboard, contact support.

Add payment methods

To add payment methods to your checkout, follow these steps:

  1. Under Sales channels, select your sales channel.
  2. Go to Payment and shipping.
  3. Select the payment methods from the Payment methods drop-down menu.
  4. Save the changes.

Customize your checkout

Improve the user experience of your Shopware 6 checkout and maintain its brand consistency by customizing the payment method descriptions, logos, and their availability.

Change payment method descriptions

By default, the description field is empty.

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  3. In the pane dedicated to the payment method, select Edit details.
  4. Enter a description in the Description field.
  5. Save the changes.

Change payment method logos

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  3. In the pane dedicated to the payment method, select Edit details.
  4. In the Logo field, select the cross icon to delete the current logo.
  5. Select the new logo:
    • Shopware 6 media file: Select Open media, open the file's context menu (three dots), and select Use as logo.
    • File on your hard drive: Select Upload file and upload the image.
    • File from URL: open the Logo's context menu (three dots), select Upload from URL, enter a link, and select Upload.
  6. Save the changes.

Hide payment method logos

Hide payment method logos and display only payment method names:

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  3. In the pane dedicated to the payment method, select Edit details.
  4. In the Logo field, select the cross icon.
  5. Save the changes.

Hide payment methods based on order amount limits

Set an upper order amount limit to encourage the use of other payment methods for larger orders so that you can benefit from lower transaction fees, faster processing times, or enhanced fraud protection.

Set a lower limit to hide more expensive payment methods for smaller orders and streamline the checkout process for customers.

Start by creating the availability rules that you want to apply to the order amount:

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Rule builder.
  3. Select Create rule.
  4. Create an availability rule:
    • In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the rule. For example, if your default currency is euros, enter Cart > 20 for a rule that applies when the order amount is over 20 euros.
    • Optional: assign a priority↗.
    • In the Condition section, open the Search conditions menu and select the condition that you want to base your rule on. For example, select Total for the total order amount.
    • Open the Select operator menu and select when to apply the condition↗.
    • Enter an amount.
    • Optional: Select Subcondition to create more complex rules.
    • Select Save.

After creating availability rules, you can apply them to a payment method:

  1. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  2. Select Edit details in the payment method pane.
  3. Select a rule from the Availability rule drop-down menu.
  4. Save the changes.

Hide payment methods based on Mollie limits

To mitigate risk, Mollie applies a minimum and maximum amount that customers can pay for each payment method in each country.

You can apply the same limits to your checkout, so that it automatically hides payment methods when your customer's order amount falls outside the limits.

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Extensions > My extensions.
  3. Open the Mollie Payments context menu (three dots), and select Configure.
  4. In the Payments section, switch on the Use Mollie's availability rules for payment methods toggle.
  5. Save the changes.

Localize your checkout

Cater to local payment preferences in your Shopware 6 checkout with Mollie App for Shopware 6. Localize payment method names and descriptions, the payment methods displayed in each country, and the order in which they are displayed to enhance the user experience.

Change payment method names

Localize payment method names in your checkout to cater to the countries you operate in.

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  3. In the pane dedicated to the payment method, select Edit details.
  4. Select a language from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Name field, enter a localized name for the payment method.



To localize payment method descriptions, enter a localized description for the payment method in the Description field.

  1. Save the changes.

Display different payment methods in each country

Display selected payment methods for each country in which you have customers, allowing them to see local payment options when checking out.

Start by creating rules that base the payment method availability on your customer's country:

  1. Log in to Shopware 6.
  2. Go to Settings > Rule builder.
  3. Select Create rule.
  4. Create an availability rule that applies to a country:
    • Enter a descriptive name for the rule, such as Availability credit card, in the Name field.
    • Assign a priority↗.
    • In the Condition section, open the Search conditions menu and select Billing address: Country.
    • Open the Select operator menu and select when to apply the condition↗. For example, select Is one of to apply the rule to specific billing countries.
    • Select the empty field and choose from the list countries that appears.
    • Optional: Select Subcondition to create more advanced rules.
    • Select Save.

After creating availability rules, you can apply them to a payment method:

  1. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  2. Select Edit details in the payment method pane.
  3. Select a rule from the Availability rule drop-down menu.
  4. Save the changes.

Rearrange the payment method display order

By default, Shopware 6 displays payment methods in alphabetical order, but you can prioritize your customers' preferred payment options by placing them at the top of the list:

  1. Log in to your Mollie Dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > Payment methods.
  3. Select Edit display order in checkout.
  4. Drag the payment methods in your preferred order.
  5. Save the changes.