PrestaShop: Manage subscriptions

Learn how to view, cancel and manage your subscriptions.

Cancel subscriptions

Cancel subscriptions on behalf of your customers in situations where they are unable to do so themselves or have missed multiple consecutive payments:

  1. Log in to PrestaShop.
  2. Select Mollie > Settings in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
  4. Select delete icon (Cancel) next to the subscription.

View subscription updates

You can view any changes your customers make to subscriptions:

  1. Log in to PrestaShop.
  2. Select Mollie > Settings in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.



Your Mollie Dashboard contains all the details of a customer's subscriptions. Use the customer's email to search for their profile in the Mollie Dashboard Customer view.

Understand customer subscription management

Your customers can manage their subscriptions on the Mollie subscriptions page that is added to their account after you install Mollie for PrestaShop.

Customer actionDescription
Change the payment methodAfter initial payment, SEPA Direct Debit is used for further payments. Customers can change the default payment method to credit/debit cards.
Cancel the subscriptionCancellation is immediate.
Change the addressThis changes the default account address for all purchases.

Customers cannot add a subscription to the shopping cart under the following conditions:

  • The shopping cart contains a non-subscription product.
  • The shopping cart contains a subscription with a different period (daily, weekly or monthly).