Hubspot: Manage payment requests

Create refunds

  1. Go to the CRM card which contains the payment card for which you want to create a refund.
  2. Click Actions > Refund payment
  3. Enter the refund details.
  4. Click Submit to create the refund.

View a payment request's status

Find out whether a payment link has been paid, or if any errors have occurred.

  1. Go to the Mollie-HubSpot connect page↗ where you start the integration process.
  2. Select Start collecting payments.
    As a result, you will be logged into your account.
  3. Select Deals from the Sales drop-down menu.
  4. Open the relevant deal card.
  5. Go to the payment link in the Mollie section of the right side bar.
  6. The Status field of the link shows its status:
GeneratedThe payment link has been created and sent to the customer, awaiting their payment.
PaidThe customer has paid.
ErrorThe customer tried to pay but got an error. Check the payment link in the side bar for details.

Track payment activities

View a timeline of events relating to your payment requests.

  1. Go to the Mollie-HubSpot connect page↗ where you start the integration process.
  2. Select Start collecting payments.
    As a result, you will be logged into your account.
  3. Select Deals from the Sales drop-down menu.
  4. Open the relevant deal card.
  5. Select the Activities tab.
  6. Select Filter activity.
  7. Select Mollie under Integrations.

The activities timeline now includes payment link events.

Delete a payment request

Delete a payment request that no longer applies, or deactivate a payment link that has already been sent.

  1. Go to the Mollie-HubSpot connect page↗ where you start the integration process.
  2. Select Start collecting payments.
    As a result, you will be logged into your account.
  3. Select Deals from the Sales drop-down menu.
  4. Open the relevant deal card.
  5. Go to the payment link in the Mollie section of the right side bar.
  6. Select Delete from the link's Actions drop-down menu.
  7. Confirm the deletion, or the deactivation in case the link has already been sent.