The most popular mobile payment method in Switzerland allows users to connect their bank account or cards with the TWINT app to make secure payments in person and online using their smartphones.

How it works

Key information

Available country codesCH
Supported merchant locationsAll countries that Mollie is licensed for
Supported currenciesCHF
API method nametwint
Supported APIPayments API , Orders API
Minimum transaction amountCHF 0.01
Maximum transaction amountNo maximum limit for purchases made from a customer.

The maximum limit for payment with a QR code sticker is CHF 5,000
Session timeout15 minutes on the Twint hosted payment page.

3 minutes if the user scanned the QR code, but did not confirm the payment via the TWINT app.
Supported operationsAuto-Capture
Full refund
Partial refunds
Refund validity7 days
Settlement delay2 business days
Chargeback riskYes
Chargeback period120 days from service period
Resource packAvailable here


TWINT consumers can dispute TWINT transactions by filing a complaint with their bank. Out of 1,000,000 transactions, approximately 25 to 50 are disputed, making them very rare.

TWINT Dispute Flow

  • Dispute Notification & Request for Information | You (the merchant) will be contacted directly by the Mollie chargeback team via email. We will ask you to provide us with supporting evidence should you wish to challenge the dispute.
  • Information Supplied | You (the merchant) have five working days to provide challenge information to the Mollie Chargeback team via email.
  • Decision | TWINT decides dispute resolution. If TWINT decides the dispute in favour of you (the merchant) you will retain the disputed transaction amount in your merchant balance. If TWINT decides in favour of the consumer, the chargeback and dispute fee are posted.