OXID 7: Set up order management


Whenever there is an update for an order, Mollie calls the webhook provided by the Mollie OXID Plugin and notifies your OXID shop about any updates, such as a change of the payment status.

It's not necessary to configure anything to receive notifications from webhooks, however, if you are in a testing or staging environment, make sure the testing or staging environment is publicly available.

If you want to create a whitelist for the IP range of Mollie, refer to our Which IP addresses does Mollie use? article.

Second Chance Email

If you don't want to use a cronjob to send a reminder email to your customers to finish their order (e.g when your customer abandoned their shopping cart by closing the browser during checkout or making a failed payment attempt), you can set up a Second Chance Email manually.


You can not send these emails for paid orders or orders where the customer canceled the payment explicitly.

The email text can be customized by changing the CMS block Mollie Second Chance Email:

  1. Open the Mollie tab of the order for which you want to send a Second Chance Email.
  2. Click the Send Second Chance Email button.
  3. A text box appears where you can type and edit the text that will be sent in your email.
  4. Once you are happy with the result, click Save.