
The most used payment method in Belgium that offers a variety of payment services in addition to online payments, like in-store transactions.
Payments made through Bancontact are always protected by 3D-secure technology, guaranteed and immediately confirmed, so the payment is final once it’s made and can’t be reversed by the customer.

How it works

Key information

Available country codesBE
Supported merchant locationsAll countries that Mollie is licensed for
Supported currenciesEUR
API method namebancontact
Supported APIPayments API , Orders API
Minimum transaction amountEUR 0.02
Maximum transaction amountEUR 1,500 for mobile payments (URL intent and QR code).

Limit does not apply for Card entry.
Session timeout1 hour
RefundFull refund
Partial refund
Multiple partial refunds
Refund validity180 days
Settlement delay2 business days
Chargeback riskNo
Chargeback period-
ChargeInstant charge
Full capture
Partial capture
Resource packAvailable here