Testing the integration

Test your point-of-sale integration

As explained in our guide on Testing the Mollie API, you can use test mode to ensure your integration works as expected, before rolling it out to your customers.

We offer the same functionality for our point-of-sale offering, by supporting test mode for the Terminals API as well. You can use a test mode terminal in combination with a test mode payment to walk through the payment process. Therefore, it is not required to purchase a terminal in order to integrate our point-of-sale solution.

Setting up a test mode terminal

In order to set up a test mode terminal, you will have to contact Mollie support, who will create one for you. A test mode terminal will then be made available to you in the dashboard.

As described in the point-of-sale payments guide, you will need to provide the terminal ID of a terminal in order to create a point-of-sale payment. You can retrieve the terminal ID of the test mode terminal by calling the List Terminals endpoint with your test mode credentials. This would either be your test API key or an organization or app access token while passing the testmode parameter with value true.

Creating a test mode payment

Now that you have the terminal ID of the test mode terminal, you can create a test mode point-of-sale payment by calling the Create Payment endpoint with your test credentials and by passing pointofsale as the payment method and the terminal ID as the terminalId parameter.

For example:

curl -X POST https://api.mollie.com/v2/payments \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer test_dHar4XY7LxsDOtmnkVtjNVWXLSlXsM" \
    -d "amount[currency]=EUR" \
    -d "amount[value]=10.00" \
    -d "description=My first in-person payment" \
    -d "redirectUrl=https://cash-register.example.org/order/12345/" \
    -d "webhookUrl=https://cash-register.example.org/payments/webhook/" \
    -d "method=pointofsale" \
    -d "terminalId=term_7MgL4wea46qkRcoTZjWEH"

Since the payment will not actually be shown on a terminal device, the response contains a changePaymentState URL, which allows you to set the final payment state. You can try out different payment statuses and see whether your integration handles it correctly.