Salesforce: Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot common issues

Follow the steps in Troubleshoot common issuesarticle to ensure proper connection between Mollie and your Salesforce instance and the steps below for Salesforce-specific settings.

Troubleshooting checklist

Get the log files

Both Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Mollie for Salesforce keep a log of all Mollie-related activity that takes place. Use the logs to investigate the root cause of a problem.

All Mollie-specific debug and informational messages, as well as warnings and errors, are logged in the "mollie" custom log↗. You can change the log file's name in the Log category field in Salesforce Business Manager under Merchant Tools > Mollie > Mollie General Settings.

To get the custom Mollie and Salesforce Commerce Cloud log files, follow the Salesforce Business Manager access log files procedure↗.

Check the release notes

Refer to Mollie for Salesforce release notes to check whether the issue was fixed in a newer version of Mollie for Salesforce.



Before updating, review Mollie for Salesforce release notes to ensure compatibility with your version of Salesforce Commerce Cloud or third-party plugins.