Shopify: Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot common issues

Follow the steps in Troubleshoot common issuesarticle to ensure proper connection between Mollie and your Shopify instance and then the steps below for Shopify-specific settings.

Automatic Refunds Triggered by Shopify Integration

If you notice unexpected automatic refunds, it may be due to a failed payment confirmation from Shopify. When Shopify is unable to confirm a transaction, the integration will automatically issue a refund to prevent any incorrect charges.

When this occurs, you’ll see the following message on the refund description: "Unable to confirm payment on Shopify. Refunded automatically."

Why a payment confirmation might fail
Payment confirmations on Shopify can fail for several reasons, including:

  1. Product Availability: Shopify checks stock availability to ensure that products aren’t oversold. If a product isn’t available, the confirmation might fail.
  2. Discount Code Validity: Shopify also verifies that any applied discount codes are still valid. If a discount is expired or invalid, the confirmation won't go through.

What to do

  1. Review the Refund Message: the description provided in your Mollie Web app explains that the refund was triggered because Shopify couldn't confirm the payment.
  2. Contact Mollie Support: if you need further assistance or guidance with this issue, please reach out to our support team using the steps below. We’re here to help!

Contact support

In case you're still experiencing problems or have questions, contact support.

  1. Log in to Shopify.
  2. Select Settings > Payments.
  3. Scroll down to the payment method and select Manage.
  4. Select Contact Mollie - [payment method].
  5. Provide a clear description of the problem or your request using 30 characters or more.
  6. Select Send message.