Gift cards
Mollie allows you to quickly and easily accepts payments through gift cards from the most used suppliers.
How it works

Key information
Available country codes | NL |
Supported merchant locations | European Economic Area (EEA) , United Kingdom , Switzerland |
Supported currencies | EUR |
API method name | giftcard |
Supported API | Payments API, Orders API |
Minimum transaction amount | EUR 0.01 |
Maximum transaction amount | EUR 50,000.00 |
Session timeout | 15 minutes |
Supported operations | Auto Capture Note: Refunds are currently not supported |
Refund validity | - |
Recurring payments | No |
Chargeback risk | No |
Chargeback period | - |
Resource pack | Available here |
Integrating Giftcards
Supported brands
Mollie supports processing gift cards handled by the Dutch gift card broker Intersolve. At the moment, the following brands are supported:
- BeautyCadeau kaart
- Biercheque
- Bloem&Plant giftcard
- Bloemen Cadeaukaart
- Boekenbon
- DA Giftcard
- DE Cadeaukaart
- De LOKALE Cadeaukaart
- Diner Cadeau
- DoenKado Tickets
- fashioncheque
- FestivalCadeau Giftcard
- Good4fun
- Horse & Gifts
- Huis & Tuin Cadeau
- Jewelcard
- Klus Cadeau
- Nationale Bioscoopbon
- Nationale EntertainmentCard
- Nationale Golfbon
- Nationale Kunst & Cultuur Cadeaukaart
- OhMyGood
- Podium Cadeaukaart
- Reiscadeau
- RestaurantCadeau
- Shoes & Sneakers Cadeau
- Sodexo Sport & Culture Pass
- Sport & Fit Cadeau
- Sustainable Fashion Gift Card
- Travelcheq
- VVV Cadeaukaart
- VVV Dinercheque
- VVV Lekkerweg
- Webshop Giftcard
- Wijn Cadeaukaart
- YourGift
If you need a different brand, reach out to your account manager or our support department. We can also support closed-loop gift cards.
When using the hosted checkout, your customer can pay part of the payment using gift cards and pay any remaining amount due using the other payment methods enabled on your website profile.
Contracting and settlement
In contrast to other payment methods such as iDEAL or credit card, Mollie does not handle contracting and settlement on your behalf. You will have to set up the contract yourself via the brand owner. For example, for Podium Cadeaukaart contact Stichting Promotie Theater- en Concertbezoek. The brand owner will ask for your PSPID, a unique identifier. You should provide the brand owner with your Mollie ID to use as the PSPID.
If you already have a PSPID that you would like to reuse, contact your account manager at Mollie.
Once your account has been set up with the brand owner and you have enabled the gift card brand in the Mollie Dashboard, Mollie will automatically verify the setup with Intersolve and allow the brand on your selected website profiles once everything has been set up by the various parties involved.
Settlement is handled by the brand owner and not by Mollie.
Technical integration
Integration is handled via the Payments API. Several levels of integration are possible.
Mollie supports stacking transactions, e.g. starting with a partial gift card payment and then finalizing the payment using more gift cards or one of the other payment methods.
Integrate using Mollie Checkout
The easiest way to integrate gift cards is to use the Mollie Checkout. This is arranged by creating the payment via our API without passing the method
parameter. Mollie will then display a list of payment methods available for the payment and offer the gift card options enabled on your account.
Your customer can start the payment by redeeming their gift card. If the gift card only partially covers the amount due, more gift cards can be entered in the checkout or a different payment method can be used to pay for the remaining amount.
After the full amount has been paid by the customer, the customer is redirected back to your application as usual and we will call your webhook.
Integrate method selection in your application
The selection for the gift card brand can be integrated into your application as well. Using the Methods API, you can retrieve the methods and gift cards available on your account. Use the include issuers
to include the gift card brands available.
If only a single brand is available, the issuer is optional and we will use the available issuer.
Minimum and maximum
Each method has a minimum and a maximum amount that can be processed. For gift cards, this is 50 euros per payment spread over multiple cards.
The ID for the gift card method is giftcard
Integrate initial gift card payment in your application
Finally, Mollie offers the option to integrate the initial gift card payment into your application. You can provide the customer with a form where they can enter their voucher number and the voucher PIN. These two fields can be passed together with the method
and issuer
fields as voucherNumber
and voucherPin
If the gift card covers the entire amount, the payment moves to the paid
state immediately.
If there is any amount due remaining, the payment will be created in the open state, and the redirectUrl
will point to the Mollie Checkout, where the customer can pick the next payment method (or another gift card) they would like to use to finish the payment.
Some cards do not have a PIN printed on them. If the card does have a PIN, the PIN is always required.
Canceled and abandoned payments
If the customer cancels or abandons the payment after partially paying with one or more gift cards, the amount paid with the gift card will be returned to the gift card. This will show up as a refund in your Mollie Dashboard.
You cannot perform any gift card refunds. However, if another payment method was used during the checkout, you can refund the part paid with the other payment method (and, optionally, an additional part).
Getting the details of the remainder payment
In some cases, it is desirable to receive the details of a payment. This is mostly the case from the remainder payment when the consumer partially paid with a gift card. Receiving these details is possible in both the Get payment and Get order endpoints.
To receive the remainder details in the Payments API, use the details.remainderDetails
include. For example: GET
. For the Orders API, you should the payments.details.remainderDetails
embed; GET
Be aware that the remainderDetails
is only available when the payment was partially paid with a gift card and then the remainder was paid with a different payment method.
In most common integrations, the Mollie Checkout is used when processing gift cards, so be sure to configure an attractive wallpaper and logo for the checkout.
Updated 4 months ago