Mollie for Zapier

Automate Mollie with Zapier


The integration of Mollie with Zapier allows you to automate various workflows without writing any code. By connecting Mollie with other applications through Zapier, you can streamline business processes such as payment processing, customer notifications, and data management.

With the Mollie and Zapier integration, you can save time on repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and focus more on growing your business.

Getting Started

  1. Connect Your Accounts:

  2. Create a Zap:

    • Click "Make a Zap," choose Mollie as the trigger app, and select a trigger event like "New Payment" or "New Refund."
    • Connect an action app and set up the action, such as updating a Google Sheet or sending an email.
  3. Test Your Zap:

    • Test the workflow to make sure everything works as expected. Adjust settings if necessary.
  4. Activate and Monitor:

    • Once you're satisfied, activate the Zap and monitor it for a few days to ensure it functions correctly.

Use Cases for Mollie and Zapier Integration

Automate Payment Processes

  • Trigger-Based Actions: Set up workflows where an event in Mollie, like a new payment, triggers an action in another app. For example, you can update a Google Sheet or send a Slack notification when a payment is received.
  • Manage Refunds Efficiently: Automatically notify customers of refunds or update your CRM when a refund is processed in Mollie.

Enhance Marketing Efforts

  • Customer Engagement: Add new customers to your Mailchimp list or update CRM records in HubSpot when a payment is made, ensuring your marketing efforts are always up-to-date.
  • Feedback Collection: After a successful transaction, trigger a survey in SurveyMonkey to collect customer feedback.

Improve Customer Support

  • Automated Support Tickets: Create support tickets in Zendesk or Freshdesk for failed payments or refunds, ensuring prompt customer service.
  • Status Updates: Send automated emails through Gmail or Outlook to keep customers informed about their payment status.

Streamline Financial Reporting

  • Data Synchronization: Sync payment data with accounting software like Exact or Xero to maintain accurate financial records.
  • Generate Reports: Automatically update Google Sheets or Excel with payment data to generate real-time financial reports.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use Filters to Fine-Tune Triggers:

    • Apply Zapier’s filter feature to ensure actions are only triggered by specific events, such as payments above a certain amount.
  2. Create Multi-Step Zaps:

    • Design workflows that perform a series of actions. For instance, after a payment, update a Google Sheet, send a Slack notification, and add the customer to a Mailchimp list in sequence.
  3. Implement Error Handling:

    • Add steps to notify you via email or Slack if a workflow fails, so you can quickly address any issues.
  4. Utilize Paths for Conditional Logic:

    • Use Zapier's Paths feature to create different workflows based on conditions. For example, set up separate paths for successful payments, failed payments, and refunds.
  5. Ensure Data Security:

    • Use Zapier’s security features and follow best practices to keep your data secure.