Odoo: Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot common issues

Follow the steps in Troubleshoot common issuesarticle to ensure proper connection between Mollie and your Odoo instance and then the steps below for Odoo-specific settings.

Troubleshooting checklist

Manually Upgrade Module

Whenever there is a deployment on the Odoo server, the impacted module needs to be reloaded. Sometimes the web view is affected and it is not possible to do the update through the GUI (e.g 500 Server Error).

To fix this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the Editor in your Odoo.sh cockpit > select the impacted module:

  2. Open _manifest_.py > click theOdoo tab > select Update current module:

You can also update the module by running the following Shell command as an alternative:

$ odoo-bin -u name_of_the_module --stop-after-init

Maintenance and Support

V15 (standard functions)

Mollie standard futures are included in native Odoo. For troubleshooting please consult our Mollie Support page.

V14 (and advanced extensions V15)

For support please contact Mollie support by mail support@mollie.com.
This module is maintained by Droggol: