Status reasons


The status reason object is only available for Point-of-Sale payments at this time.

The Payment API provides an optional statusReason object that offers details about the status of a payment. This object includes the following properties:

  • code: a machine-readable code that indicates the reason for the payment's status.
  • message: a description of the status reason, localized according to the locale provided with the request.

All possible status reasons are listed below, grouped by payment method.


Failures for Point-of-Sale payments can have varied reasons, with most failure reasons originating from card schemes or our own restrictions. Below the most common status reasons are described.

Card scheme failures

approved_or_completed_successfullyThe transaction was approved.
refer_to_card_issuerThe transaction was cancelled after being initially approved by the issuer. This can be due to various reasons, for example, if the shopper returns goods after purchase.
invalid_merchantThe transaction was refused by the card issuer. The shopper should contact their bank for clarification. The shopper can try again after resolving the issue with their bank, or use another payment method.
capture_cardThe card issuer requests to retain the card. This can be due to a suspected counterfeit or stolen card. This reason is used in an E-Commerce environment although it originates from an in-person payments environment.
do_not_honorThis is a generic refusal that has several possible causes. The shopper should contact their issuing bank for clarification.
errorPayment could not be authorised and resulted in an error. The shopper can try again or use another payment method.
partial_approvalA partial approval was made but the transaction was not finalised. The shopper should retry the transaction.
invalid_transactionThe transaction type is not supported by the card issuer. The shopper should contact their bank for clarification or try another payment method.
invalid_amountThe transaction amount is incorrect. The shopper should try again with the correct amount.
invalid_issuerThe card issuer is not valid. The shopper should try another card or payment method.
lost_cardThe card has been reported as lost. The shopper should contact their bank for a replacement card.
stolen_cardThe card has been reported as stolen. The shopper should contact their bank for a replacement card.
insufficient_fundsThe account associated with the card has insufficient funds. The shopper should use another payment method or contact their bank.
expired_cardThe card has expired. The shopper should use another card or contact their bank for a replacement.
invalid_pinThe PIN entered is incorrect. The shopper should try again with the correct PIN.
transaction_not_permitted_to_cardholderThe transaction is not permitted for the cardholder. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
transaction_not_allowed_at_terminalThe transaction is not permitted at the acquirer terminal. The shopper should try another payment method.
exceeds_withdrawal_amount_limitThe transaction exceeds the withdrawal amount limit. The shopper should try again with a lower amount or contact their bank.
restricted_cardThe card is restricted. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
security_violationThere is a security violation. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
exceeds_withdrawal_count_limitThe transaction exceeds the withdrawal count limit. The shopper should try again later or contact their bank.
allowable_number_of_pin_tries_exceededThe allowable number of PIN tries has been exceeded. The shopper should contact their bank.
no_reason_to_declineThere is no specific reason to decline the request. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
cannot_verify_pinThe PIN cannot be verified. The shopper should try again with the correct PIN.
issuer_unavailableThe issuer is not available. The shopper should try again later.
unable_to_route_transactionThe transaction cannot be routed. The shopper should try another payment method.
duplicate_transactionDuplicate transaction detected.
system_malfunctionThere is a system malfunction. The shopper should try again later.
honor_with_idHonor with ID.
invalid_card_numberThe card number is incorrect. The shopper should verify and try again with the correct card number.
format_errorThere was a format error in the transaction. The shopper should try again or contact their bank.
contact_card_issuerThe card issuer needs to be contacted. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
pin_not_changedPIN not changed.
invalid_nonexistent_to_account_specifiedInvalid/nonexistent 'To Account' specified.
invalid_nonexistent_from_account_specifiedInvalid/nonexistent 'From Account' specified.
invalid_nonexistent_account_specifiedAn invalid or nonexistent account was specified. The shopper should verify the account information and try again.
lifecycle_relatedThe transaction was declined due to life cycle issues. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
domestic_debit_transaction_not_allowedDomestic debit transaction not allowed.
policy_relatedThe transaction was declined due to policy reasons. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
fraud_security_relatedThe transaction was declined due to fraud or security concerns. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
invalid_authorization_life_cycleInvalid authorization life cycle.
purchase_amount_only_no_cash_back_allowedPurchase amount only, no cash back allowed.
cryptographic_failureThere is a cryptographic failure.
unacceptable_pinUnacceptable PIN.
refer_to_card_issuer_special_conditionRefer to card issuer, special condition.
pick_up_card_special_conditionThe card issuer requests to retain the card. This can be due to a suspected counterfeit or stolen card.
vip_approvalV.I.P Approval.
invalid_account_numberThe account number is incorrect.
re_enter_transactionThe transaction should be re-entered. The shopper should try the transaction again.
no_action_takenNo action taken (unable to back out prior transaction).
unable_to_locate_recordUnable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry.
file_temporarily_unavailableFile is temporarily unavailable.
no_credit_accountNo credit account.
closed_accountThe account associated with the card is closed. The shopper should contact their bank.
no_checking_accountNo checking account.
no_savings_accountNo savings account.
suspected_fraudThe transaction is suspected of fraud. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
transaction_does_not_fulfill_aml_requirementTransaction does not fulfill AML requirement.
pin_data_requiredPIN data is required. The shopper should enter the PIN and try again.
unable_to_locate_previous_messageUnable to locate previous message (no match on transaction ID).
previous_message_located_inconsistent_dataPrevious message located, but the reversal data are inconsistent with original message.
blocked_first_usedTransaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked.
transaction_reversedTransaction reversed.
credit_issuer_unavailableThe credit issuer is unavailable. The shopper should try again later.
pin_cryptographic_error_foundPIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption).
negative_online_cam_resultThe transaction was declined due to negative online CAM results. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
violation_of_lawThe transaction cannot be completed due to a violation of law. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
force_stipForce STIP.
cash_service_not_availableThe cash service is not available. The shopper should try again later or use another payment method.
cashback_request_exceeds_issuer_limitThe cashback request exceeds the issuer limit. The shopper should try again with a lower amount or contact their bank.
decline_for_cvv2_failureThe transaction was declined due to CVV2 failure. The shopper should try again with the correct CVV2.
transaction_amount_exceeds_pre_authorized_amountTransaction amount exceeds pre-authorized approval amount.
invalid_biller_informationInvalid biller information.
pin_change_unblock_request_declinedPIN change/unblock request declined.
unsafe_pinUnsafe PIN.
card_authentication_failedCard authentication failed. Or offline PIN authentication interrupted.
stop_payment_orderThere is a stop payment order. The shopper should contact their bank for more information.
revocation_of_authorizationRevocation of authorisation order.
revocation_of_all_authorizationsRevocation of all authorisation orders.
forward_to_issuer_xaForward to issuer.
forward_to_issuer_xdForward to issuer.
unable_to_go_onlineThe transaction was declined offline. The shopper should try again or use another payment method.
additional_customer_authentication_requiredAdditional customer authentication required.

Merchant related failures

merchant_id_not_foundMerchant ID not found.
merchant_account_closedMerchant account closed.
terminal_id_not_foundTerminal ID not found.
terminal_closedTerminal closed.
invalid_category_codeInvalid category code.
invalid_currencyInvalid currency.
missing_cvv2_cvc2Missing CVV2/CVC2.
cvv2_not_allowedCVV2 not allowed.
merchant_not_registered_vbvMerchant not registered for Verified by Visa/Secure Code.
merchant_not_registered_for_amexMerchant not registered for Amex.
transaction_not_permitted_at_terminalTransaction not permitted at terminal.
agreement_terminal_not_relatedAgreement and terminal are not related.
invalid_processor_idInvalid processor ID.
invalid_merchant_dataInvalid merchant data (Name, City or Postal Code).
sub_merchant_account_closedSub-merchant account closed.

Voucher failures

service_failedService failed.
invalid_operationInvalid operation.
authorization_errorAuthorization failed, not logged in.
login_failed_without_reasonLogin failed (Reason not specified).
invalid_retailerInvalid/unknown Retailer.
refer_to_card_issuerThe transaction was cancelled after being initially approved by the issuer. This can be due to various reasons, for example, if the shopper returns goods after purchase.
card_does_not_existCard or Customer does not exist.
expired_cardThe card has expired. The shopper should use another card or contact their bank for a replacement.
card_is_blockedCard is blocked.
insufficient_fundsThe account associated with the card has insufficient funds. The shopper should use another payment method or contact their bank.
invalid_card_idInvalid CardId.
card_is_transferredCard is transferred.
card_is_not_activeCard is not active.
incorrect_purchase_valueIncorrect activation or purchase value.
card_not_availableCard not available.
wrong_currencyWrong currency.
login_failed_unknown_userLogin failed: Unknown user.
login_failed_invalid_passwordLogin failed: Invalid password.
invalid_pinInvalid PIN.
invalid_ean_codeInvalid EAN code.